Welcome to Mighty Pen Publishing

Mighty Pen is the publishing arm of the SoulProsper Media Group. In addition to the digital media services provided by SMG, Mighty Pen publishes Christian and inspirational literature for readers of all ages. The company aspires to release inspirational works by authors from around the globe and will work to impact the marketplace for indie authors and their readers in the same way SoulProsper Radio has become such for indie artists.

“...like the rushing of a mighty pen…” That’s what I heard as I drove down Highway 40 leaving Nashville and the 2017 GMA Dove Awards. I made a decision that I wanted my writing to be so impactful that it affected people’s lives, decisions and spiritual health. What the Holy Ghost did as he sat upon them as cloven tongues of fire in Acts 2, I want to experience with each key stroke and strike of my pen. I always wanted readers to be so intrigued that they sought out my articles and posts. Leaving the Doves that year, I had already begun writing what I thought would be my first book, but all that changed last October when I began writing for a new audience. As a freelance journalist, I’m all too familiar with having to do all the leg work after writing an article but for a book, this would be Olympic level power lifting compared to simple media pitches. After much consideration, I was led to create this imprint which will publish my books as they are completed and released. The aim of the content is to simply speak what the Lord is speaking to His people, in His timing and for His purpose.