Black Father Fights For Paternal Rights to Prevent the International Abduction of His Daughter

Black Father Fights For Paternal Rights to Prevent the International Abduction of His Daughter


One of the most intriguing shows on television right now is “90 Day Fiance” on TLC. On this show, viewers have the unique experience of watching love fully unfurl for an American and their foreign love interest in search of a K-1 Visa. These lovebirds search for love eternal by way of marriage in the United States and though many falter after the vows, many never even make it. 

As with every relationship, children are often welcomed additions. However, we want to share the harrowing nightmare, endured by Christopher Baylor. His wife seems to be using every loophole possible to eliminate him from their child’s life and he is bound and determined to fight with all his might for his baby girl he affectionately calls: “Bee”

Christopher Baylor is a family man. A black American male raised in a two-parent Christian home, he had every intention of continuing in this tradition with his own family and children. Like many, he was seeking a soulmate, looking to raise children and spend the rest of his life with his chosen life partner. Never did he expect his path to include marriage fraud, pleading for the annulment of his marriage, filing for divorce, a child custody battle, or the possibility of the international “legalized” abduction of his only beloved daughter Aaliyah, whom he affectionately calls ‘Bee.’

Roughly four years ago, Christopher met Ayano Eto in an online chatroom. The two connected right away. She described herself as a Christian woman, attracted to African American men. Though Ayano Eto lived in Japan, halfway around the world, she seemed to be everything in a person that Baylor was longing for. Coming from a family where marriage was a tradition passed down from generation to generation, Christopher decided his future would be with Ayano Eto, and the two made plans for her to join him in the United States.

Within 90 days of her arrival, the two were legally married, and Ayano Eto’s behavior changed drastically. She became aggressive, abusive, would break into violent outbursts, attack Christopher physically, and would threaten him with knives and blunt objects. Christopher Baylor could not understand the sudden, dramatic shift from the near perfect woman that had once seemed so pleasant or how this marriage had become a nightmare.

Fatherhood had been an event he’d anticipated for a good portion of his life. The birth of Aaliyah ‘Bee’ was monumental for Christopher. He took care of all Ayano Eto’s medical needs and expenses, looking forward to doing all he could to ensure their child had the best life possible. And when that meant taking on the added responsibility of becoming the primary caregiver, he happily obliged, handling Bee’s day-to-day care, meals, and the medical needs of their precious child up until the day Ayano Eto took his daughter from him. Christopher Baylor had become a ‘left behind parent.’

And while society may be jaded by tales of deadbeat absentees, who evade parental responsibility to avoid fiscally supporting their children, Christopher Baylor’s predicament is quite different. What Baylor had not realized was that he had unsuspectingly been lured into a new form of Marriage Fraud for the purpose of U.S. citizenship.

Ayano Eto relocated to St. Paul, MN. It was there that she engineered allegations of domestic abuse and criminal battery, against Christopher Baylor. Through court and local law enforcement, she filed a false complaint and a false police report. Ayano Eto was ultimately seeking a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO) with criminal sanctions to have him incarcerated and rendered powerless to litigate for child custody. Ayano Eto needed no proof, despite Christopher having evidence proving he was thousands of miles away at the time of the alleged incident. Ayano Eto had purposely relocated to file in Hennepin County, MN, for the sole purpose of ‘forum shopping.’ Having no violent history, no prior arrests, and not so much as a parking ticket, Christopher Baylor’s life, career, and future were in jeopardy.

A New Form of Immigration Marriage Fraud
There are cases on record, dating back to 1998, where Americans have been duped into a sham marriage for a minimum of 2 years for the sole purpose of defrauding immigration officials. By posing as ‘happily married,’ they overcome the USCIS interview for foreign nationals. The time frame can be lengthened if an “anchor baby” is conceived.

A new type of Immigration Marriage Fraud is on the rise, known as D2 (for Deception). This newer Green Card scam, commonly used by non-citizens, has become a growing trend in Immigration Fraud. It involves preying on the affections of U.S. residents, scamming these unsuspecting victims, mostly Americans, who are genuinely looking for courtship, love, and lifelong commitment and then, exploiting the Violence Against Women Act [VAWA].

By pretending to be their ideal soul mate/marriage partner, non-citizens lure unsuspecting victims (usually men). While convincing their future spouse that they intend to commit to this purported relationship, many are migrating to the U.S. under this guise in an attempt to marry within 90 days of entry into the country. This is done under false pretenses, as they have no real intent to remain married. Once they are legally married, they are able to get Green Cards through the use of fraudulent Domestic Abuse claims. This ruse has been commonly used to Fast Track the Immigration process.

Some, like Ayano Eto, in desperation, will use criminal coercion, infliction of false imprisonment or provoke violence through reckless intimidation, violent outbursts, and other vindictive acts – this is typical in cases like this.When fraudulent Domestic Abuse claims fail because of unsubstantiated allegations, ‘anchor babies’ are an alternative resort to circumvent the USCIS Interview Process. When children are involved, this would also circumvent child custody proceedings. The non-citizen spouse can initiate a claim without the U.S. spouse ever being notified of any immigration proceedings held against them.

The desire is to obtain a Domestic Abuse Green Card by any means, as this would greatly reduce the chances the non-citizen would incur the 3-year or 10-year entry bar from the United States under the IIRAIRA of 1996. In the process, they will have defamed, exploited and victimized their American spouse, causing irrevocable damage to their lives, subjecting them to financial warfare, loss of job/career, reputation, criminal charges, incarceration, loss of residence, real estate, property, credit card fraud, and possibly, identity theft.

What’s more, as of late, because it is worldwide knowledge that African American males are unlikely to receive fair treatment by law enforcement and the U.S. Judicial system, black men are specifically being targeted, as in the case of Mr. Christopher Baylor. Ayano Eto misrepresented herself as a Christian woman attracted to African American men. Now, after having been subjected to racial and religious persecution and threatened with the possibility of losing his beloved child, this father is fighting multiple court battles, including the custody battle for his biracial daughter.

How he chose to resolve these matters is evidence of the depth of this father’s love for his daughter and also reveals so much about his character. For more than a year, Baylor has been defending himself, simultaneously studying the laws of multiple states, and also, maintaining his career. Through all of this, Christopher Baylor has continued to meet child support payments while unable overcome the challenge of securing parental visitation rights. Yet, he still remains undeterred, fighting multiple legal battles, even though that means having to serve as his own attorney. Having been subjected to all kinds of injustices, such as the violations of his constitutional, civil, parental, and human rights, his greatest fear is that innocent three-year-old Bee, will be abducted out of the country under the Hague Convention. This would terminate all of this father’s parental rights and he could lose his daughter forever. This had been the result with two other American fathers, Dan Larson and James Cook, both victims of the Hague Convention and UCCJEA. Challenging their cases in Hennepin County courts, they both ultimately lost their children through legalized abduction.

Mr. Baylor is sharing his story in hopes to garner support and protect his daughter from International Child Abduction. For more details or to show your support, please reach out to Mr. Christopher Baylor by phone to (409) 279-8805 or email to Like and share this article via your preferred social media platforms and follow the hashtags: #BeesLifeMatters #USCIS #VAWA #VAWAImmigrationFraud #InternationalChildAbduction #LegalizedAbduction #VictimsOfImmigrationFraud #ImmigrationMarriageFraud #USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement #CenterForImmigrationStudies #HagueConvention #DomesticAbuseGreenCard #DepartmentOfHomelandSecurity #DHS #FianceVisa #K1FianceVisa #ImmigrationandCustomsEnforcement #ICE #UCCJEA #ElenaMariaLopez.

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Megachurch Pastor Breaks His Political Silence for the First Time

Megachurch Pastor Breaks His Political Silence for the First Time

Grace Community Church, Orange County, New York, 5 Campuses and over 3000 Attendees each week. Senior Pastor Jarrod Jones. (PRNewsfoto/Grace Community Church)

Pastor Jarrod Jones is the Senior Pastor at Grace Community Church home to five campuses across Orange County, New York with over 3,000 attendees. Late last night he released a lengthy letter to his church family for the first time breaking his long-held silence on political issues.

Even throughout the letter his turmoil is palpable as he struggles with how best to lead the church in the charged political climate of the country today.

In the letter Pastor Jarrod says, “Is it my duty and responsibility to offer direction and leadership to Grace Community Church regarding the current political climate and any injustices? Or, is it my duty and responsibility to remain silent, focus solely on preaching the gospel, and let our generosity and charity do the talking?”

Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church ‘gets it’ and shares his perspective on racism in America

In the past, that’s what he’s chosen to do. He, as well as the church leadership, had decided to remain silent on political issues. It was the Church’s policy to steer away from political conversations at all costs for fear that one side or the other would take offense and forget the purpose of the church.

As Pastor Jarrod puts it, “No matter what I say and how careful I say it, people will only hear what they want to hear. Or, they don’t want to hear it because it doesn’t fit their opinion, or they deem it personally offensive, even hateful.”

Late last night after weeks of debate and counsel with the leadership of the Church, Pastor Jarrod decided to break his silence. In a lengthy letter to his congregation titled, “Of Politics and Presidents: A Letter to My Church,” Pastor Jones dives into several of the most hotly debated issues of the day.

Sometimes, Pastors don’t always handle diversity in the pews as we’d expect. Pastor Michael R. Jordan caused quite a stir with his views.

He addressed RacismLaw Enforcement, the #MeToo movementAbortion, and the separation of children from immigrant families. In the midst of sharing his heartfelt thoughts on these weighty issues, Pastor Jones is careful to express his connections to people who have dealt with these issues first hand.

Finally, he concludes the letter with this sentiment, “Let’s take our eyes off what the church is or is not doing and look at ourselves.” He challenges his congregation to be the solution rather than to only debate the cause.

To read the entire letter go to

Grace Community Church, Washingtonville, New York

Ugandan Artists Use Music to Inspire Change in Their Homeland

Ugandan Artists Use Music to Inspire Change in Their Homeland

On March 6, Netflix award-winning director Jonny Von Wallström is premiering his new documentary series The Confused African exclusively on YouTube. It is a story about identity, music and corruption in Uganda. Featuring Ugandan artist and TV personality Ken Daniels and well-known rapper Navio who uses music to speak about the country’s issues.

In 2017, Ugandan was ranked among the top 25 countries with escalating corruption by the Transparency International Uganda (TIU) report. Ken and Navio are two creative artists who care deeply about what’s happening in the country. In the series, they explore culture, talks politics, and are using music to help make a change.

Ken Daniels is a nomad who has lived his whole life in western countries such as The United States and Sweden. He is a well-known Ugandan Hip Hop/ R&B musician and music critic who has for a long time sung under the music act ‘Swahili Nation’.

It started out in 1992 when he joined Swahili Nation that was formed in the 90’s by Kenyan brothers called Muturi. A couple of years ago, he decided to move back to Uganda because he felt responsible and wanted to be a part of the change that was happening in the country.

What it is like to leave your mother country?

“It is tough to come to a new country, whether it is Sweden, Uganda or The United States. You have to learn the language and adapt to the society. For me, it was tough to move to The U.S and Sweden, but it was also tough to move back to Uganda after all those years away,” he says.

He has not been living in the country for a long time, and now he share his story of what it is like to come back.

“I think that my political view and world view have changed since I left Uganda. There is a difference between The United States and Uganda in many ways. Good and bad.”

“What I have realized is that Uganda is not what it used to be. Today, Uganda is in a very good place, the Infrastructure and the whole society is improving. In 5 years, I think it will be a big difference if you compare to now. I also feel like many more people are willing to fight for the right to speak up and change things. It was in a different way before. Back in the days, people did not do that.”

Navio is using his music to make a change

As a side story to Ken, we also get to follow Daniel Lubwana Kigozi, known as Navio. He is a well-known Ugandan rapper who started his career when being a part of the award-winning group Klear Kut. Today, he is best known for his hits “Ngalo”, “One & Only” and “Bugumo”. 

Navio are using music for his freedom of speech. He has written songs about corruption, and in the documentary he talks about his point of view on the economically situation and the fact that Uganda is suffering very badly. We get to follow him in Uganda, but also in a studio in Sweden where to records a new single. The whole documentary series will be available for free on YouTube, starting March 6, on


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