American Wisper is the true story of the unsolved murders of an African American family. In the summer of 2016, a mother and her three children were found shot to death in their suburban New Jersey home. They were discovered by father and husband Josiah Wisper — a brash businessman who owned bars, restaurants, stores, and real estate in Harlem, New York. Wisper quickly became an outcast in the Harlem community — and was viewed with suspicion by friends, relatives, and people he had known for nearly half his life.

The original case remains unsolved after more than 30 years. Although the film has exceeded one million views since its release in May, prosecutors remain silent on producers’ numerous requests to reopen the case.

Prosecutors, however, are still silent on reopening the once-famous case

“One million ‘plus’ views for a 90 minute, self-distributed indie film is amazing. From the beginning, we wanted this case reopened. It was our primary motivation for producing the film. With the forensic tools now available, there’s simply no excuse for remaining silent for so long. It’s imperative that prosecutors reopen this case, so that remaining family members can finally have closure.”

Producer and co-writer Howard Nash.

Despite the film’s rising views and strong public interest, the Bergen County Cold Case Division still disregards Nash’s pleas to reopen the case. Says Nash: “The cold case office has solved numerous cases, some going back to the 1950s. Why won’t they reopen this one?”

American Wisper — a very tight thriller — thanks to a tight directorial effort, a tense script and strong performances by all involved. It’s a genre movie that shouldn’t be missed.” — Mike Haberfelner / SMT News & Reviews

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