A few weeks ago, this story made national news. Makiya Congious was fired from Whataburger after a customer complained about the mask. After hearing the complaint from her manager, the woman put in her two weeks notice but was told that she wouldn’t need to return to work. Upon hearing the story, residents and customers of the fabled Texas chain took to the streets in support of Congious and the cause, “Black Lives Matter.
The response to her ouster was overwhelming and many contributed to immediate calls of financial support. One local entrepreneur took it upon himself to see to it that Congious’ story didn’t end with the firing and support erode with the news cycle. Local funeral home owner, Roderick D. Smith collected and contributed money to Miss Congious but took his effort a step further and welcomed her as his newest employee at the Arlington Memorial Funeral Home in Arlington, Texas.
Mr. Smith introduced his new employee in a Facebook post earlier, today.
On the heels of this great news, Mr. Smith promises more great news to come! In an industry serving the families of those whose lives have ended, we’re glad to report the happy ending of a trying chapter in Miss Congious’ life.