The Grandmother of Juneteenth, Ms. Opal Lee was honored at home before the portrait in her honor arrives at the National Portrait Gallery. Fort Worth native Sedrick Huckaby painted the portrait of Lee depicted at a kitchen table. The portrait is replete with symbolism with many relics and connections to Ms. Lee’s past and various stories embedded within.

Opal Lee is the woman known for making the final and most significant push to make Juneteenth a holiday in the United States. Her infectious, tireless efforts garnered the support of local and national politicians and celebrities. The impact of her work has inspired work in other sectors by men and women hoping to make a lasting difference for centuries to come.

Sedrick Huckaby is a noted artist and continues to call his hometown home. Huckaby has several notable credits to his resume including the portrait of Ms. Lee but none greater than teaching former president George W. Bush the art of painting. Huckaby was thanked by the president and acknowledged globally for his gift of painting and teaching. To have Huckaby’s work featured in Fort Worth, is another crowning achievement.

Opal Lee is nowhere near the end of her work. If she tells it, she is just getting started and we’re all invited to help finish the work she started! The Grandmother of Juneteenth gave a spirited and inspiring speech to the crowd gathered inside the museum theatre. We were there and we’re glad to share coverage of newsmakers in Fort Worth with our audience.