5th Annual Kidpreneur Expo to Feature Big Prizes and Kheris Rogers, founder of “Flexin’ in My Complexion”

5th Annual Kidpreneur Expo to Feature Big Prizes and Kheris Rogers, founder of “Flexin’ in My Complexion”

On Saturday, November 17 from 9:30 AM – 2 PM, Capital One and  St. Philip’s School and Community Center will present the 5th Annual Kidpreneur Expo and they are doing it big this year! This unique event – offered FREE TO THE PUBLIC – was initiated five years ago to provide a platform and support for budding young entrepreneurs, ages 6 – 16. Over the years, it has blossomed into a dynamic annual event that is helping to produce successful kidpreneurs in the D/FW area.

Pre-teen Kheris Rogers, founder of the “Flexin’ in My Complexion” brand, will serve as the keynote speaker and one of the celebrity judges for the popular KID TANK session where up to 20 kidpreneurs will pitch their products and businesses in front of a live audience. The stakes are high this year, as MONETARY PRIZES will be awarded to 1st – 3rd place winners in each age level category – from $250 to $1,000. Additionally, a GRAND PRIZE TRIP to Silicon Valley will be awarded to one lucky kidpreneur and their family! 

The 2018 KID TANK judges are Mark Moussa – Founder and Creative Director at Arteriors, Omar Negrete – Google Engineer, Kheris Rogers – Keynote Speaker, along with returning judges Manas Agarwal – Young Professionals Network, Jared Johnson – Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, and ShaShank Vinay Kumar – Young Professionals Network.

KID TANK will take place from 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM, followed by Kheris Rogers’ Keynote address and Q&A at 11:30 AM. The Expo will take place from 12 noon – 2 PM with up to 30 booths featuring an array of products and services provided by kidpreneurs – just in time for holiday shopping.  To register your business (only 30 spots available!) and to RSVP for event entry, please visit www.stphilips1600.org/kpe2018.cfm.

About Kheris Rogers:
Kheris Rogers is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, model, actress, dancer, and designer/CEO of the widely known brand “Flexin’ in My Complexion.” Born in 2006 in Los Angeles, California, Kheris started Flexin’ in My Complexion after years of bullying in school because of her dark skin. She is now partnered with Nike and Lebron James to help promote change, and was named by Lebron James as one of the 16 strongest women that inspired him to create the strongest Nike shoe ever (Lebron XVI), which was launched in September 2018.

About St. Philip’s:
St. Philip’s School & Community Center is a private Christian school in southern Dallas serving 235 students, grades PK2 through Sixth Grade (ages 2 – 12), AND a comprehensive community center, providing numerous athletic, educational and social services to 3,000 children, youth, and adults annually.

About Capital One:
Capital One Financial Corporation, a Fortune 500 financial company headquartered in McLean, Virginia has branches primarily in Texas, New York, Louisiana, Virginia, New Jersey and the District of Columbia. Its subsidiaries include Capital One, N.A., and Capital One Bank (USA), N.A.


Capital One Bank Sued For Racial Discrimination Against Blacks and Latinos

Capital One Bank Sued For Racial Discrimination Against Blacks and Latinos


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Houston Branch (“NAACP”), League of United Latin American Citizens, District VIII (“LULAC”) and a former bank employee have filed a major federal racial discrimination lawsuit against Capital One Bank, a publicly-traded national bank. The suit alleges Capital One has engaged in a conscious and deliberate plan to close banks in Black and Latino communities while keeping banks in white communities.

The suit alleges Black and Latino customers are encouraged to use ATM cards to transact their business with the bank, which reduces the possibility of minority customers applying for mortgages, credit and traditional banking services. Black and Latino customers are welcome as “bank debit card customers only,” the suit alleges.

Major Black personalities, such as Samuel L. Jackson, Spike Lee and Charles Barkley are unwittingly being used by Capital One to advance its program to relegate minority bankers to only debit-card carrying customers when their commercials ask “What’s In Your Wallet?” On the other hand, the suit alleges Capital One is keeping its full-service banks open in White communities while closing essentially all of its banks in Black and Brown communities.

The suit alleges:
“[Capital One has set about a plan to extend banking services to minorities through a bank debit card only, while providing full-service banking services to predominately White communities. To pacify Black and Brown customers, Capital One chose popular and respected black actors to unwittingly push Capital One’s debit cards in commercials asking “What’s in your Wallet?” In fact, these commercials are part of a devious ploy to hide what is really going on – Capital One is in fact telling Black and Brown communities “Only use our debit bank cards to bank with us since we are closing our banks in your communities!” At the same time that these actors are on display, Capital One is keeping its banks in white communities open and monitoring whether black and brown activists and communities have gotten wise to their discriminatory plan.”

An interesting feature of the suit is the presence of a former Capital One employee as a named plaintiff. This employee was involved in the monitoring of black and brown activists on behalf of the bank. The suit alleges the employee repeatedly complained to the bank that Capital One was breaking the law by discriminating against minority communities. This plaintiff is said to have lost her job because she complained about the bank’s discriminatory practices.

The case is filed in federal court in the Southern District of Texas. A copy of the suit can be found online at http://bit.ly/2Creu7S.

For more information, contact:

NAACP, Houston Branch
James Matthew Douglas
3100 Cleburne Ave.
Houston, Texas 77004
Telephone: (713) 313-7352

LULAC, District VIII
Enrique M. Dovalina
1707 S. Houston Rd.
Pasadena, Texas 77502
Telephone: (713) 624-1000

Benjamin L. Hall, III, Ph.D., J.D.
530 Lovett Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77006
Telephone: (713) 942-9600
Attorney for Plaintiffs

3B Resources Group Public Relations via BlackNews.com

The SMG Report