The Not So Funny Reality of ‘Virtual Reality Church’

The Not So Funny Reality of ‘Virtual Reality Church’

In perhaps his most hilarious video to date, John Crist spoofed a virtual reality church experience and I couldn’t stop laughing! It is can’t miss comedy, for sure! As believers, we often fall short in our attempts to laugh at ourselves, but John Crist is here to save us from our otherwise stoic selves! I even commented on the video: “it’s like he knows our hearts!” In reality (no pun intended), he does. Since the inception of the church, believers have grappled with coming together to worship, for numerous reasons and have done so with a bevy of excuses.

“Tired of having to wake up, get dressed and drive across town just to attend your favorite service?” 

In the spoof, Crist’s fictitious virtual reality allows you to choose your church building, your outfit, level of human interaction, performance level of the worship leader, sermon style (conviction level), and one of the most ‘impressive features, a kickoff notification. Never shying away from the natural comedy derived from a church service, Crist’s virtual reality church even provides guidance for coming up to prayer at the virtual altar at a Pentecostal church advising virtual attendees to “always stand in front of a mattress”.

Seriously, Virtual Reality Church is already here

The virtual reality church exists with one purpose, to “make Sunday all about you”! The fictional experience is billed as “the future of church attendance” but is sadly the continuation of a problem that has dogged the church from the beginning.  

Read the Gallup report on church attendance this year, here.

No need for an exit poll, these are exactly the issues churchgoers bring up when asked about church attendance. The desire to attend a service tailor made for such a broad audience keeps church leadership teams on the edge as they seek to please God and appease the critical congregants.

There’s no denying the side-splitting comedy of Crist’s video, but with it comes a sobering reality. While many believers claim to love Jesus and profess to be a follower, many want to do so from the comfort of their own home or simply from their comfort. This is not following Christ at all, instead those believers have made an idol of their time, their desires, their money and even their desire to not fellowship.

The Apostle Paul addressed this in the 10th chapter of Hebrews saying: “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;). And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:23-25)

In his commentary on the Apostle Paul’s words, Matthew Henry said: “Christians ought to have a tender consideration and concern for one another. A good example given to others is the best and most effectual provocation to love and good works. Even in those times there were some who forsook these assemblies. The communion of saints is a great help and privilege, and a good means of steadiness and perseverance.

John Crist seldom misses the comedic mark, and a few of his videos have been judged as mildly controversial. More often, the videos are cause for introspection for the many viewers whose normalcy is spoofed as dysfunction. In most cases, this is the cause of said controversy. John Crist’s comedy doesn’t make the church look ugly, it makes the church look at its ugliness!  

The #LikeShareTag comedy tour is on its way to Texas!

The #LikeShareTag comedy tour is on its way to Texas!

Your favorite Christian social media comedians are coming to DFW! Kevonstage, Christianne Porter, Karlton Humes and Anna Douglas will converge on the campus of the Limitless Church in Dallas for a stop on the #LikeShareTag Comedy Tour.  Almost daily, either of these four are lighting up their social media channels on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with belly laugh invoking comedy. Whether it’s Kev’s recaps at home, shenanigans in the car, or clowning around on the clock at Russell Simmons’  All Def Digital, The Christi Show and Ms. Shirleen’s infamous kitten heels, NotKarltonBanks’ spot on church skits or Anna Douglas’ rapid fire re-enactments which post before the real life scenarios have a moment to rest, this foursome is responsible for mass social media consumption throughout the day.

Each of these comedians have delivered numerous unforgettable moments online that have become a part of everyday life for the people who watch their videos. Memorable moments like Ms. Shirleen’s “Dump Trump” protest or self-help admonitions about being your best self and not a “great value” version of someone else  are just a few of the real-life moments on screen that have endeared these comedians to viewers. They’re all relatable, “Lele” is everybody’s bad little sister and more often than not, she’s telling the truth almost no one else wants to admit in just a few seconds on screen. Kevonstage is a part of the comedic trio “The Playmakers” comprised of his brother Kevin and their childhood friend Anthony Davis. Kev has been successful with the group, as a solo comic, with his sons  and soon with his wife on the Love & Laugh Tour. Anna Davis keeps us rolling with each video she posts. Her imagination is out of this world and her gift of funny is screaming hilarious!Seeing them live is sure to add to the the ongoing experience on and offline.

They don’t miss a beat and you won’t want to miss them this weekend! Nothing gets past them, not even tense moments most people wouldn’t comment on. They’re funny and their swing through the Lone Star is can’t miss comedy!

Showtime is 6 pm Sunday November 5th at the Limitless Church in Dallas. For show details, check out the flyer. For more information about this weekend’s shows in San Antonio, Houston, Dallas or for ticketing information please visit the website.

The SMG Report