The Interactice Business Pitch Week Seeks to Provide Funding for Underfunded Black Entrepreneurs

The Interactice Business Pitch Week Seeks to Provide Funding for Underfunded Black Entrepreneurs


The Interactive Business Pitch Weekend, produced by entrepreneur Ella Rucker, will be held on Feb 16th and 17th in Washington DC, and will be a collaboration of seasoned, experienced and successful professionals who possess the skill, experience, and knowledge entrepreneurs need to succeed. 

When Ella Rucker spent her first pregnancy on her friend’s couch nine years ago, she didn’t have any plans to change the lives of entrepreneurs. And now she’s changing the economic climate for entrepreneurs.

The Interactive Business Pitch Weekend is coming to Washington, D.C.

Rucker, who got her start in entrepreneurism after her first daughter was born, has created an event for entrepreneurs to pitch their ideas to venture capitalists, television executive producers and on-air personalities.

The Interactive Business Pitch Weekend is a collaboration of seasoned, experienced and successful professionals who possess the skill, experience, and knowledge entrepreneurs need to succeed.

These pitch professionals have teamed up to provide “interactive” presentations and specialized workshops designed to prepare entrepreneurs and small business owners with the tools needed to pitch with confidence!

Rucker comments, “African American entrepreneurs are often not represented ‘at the table’ where the big deals are made. So we are bringing the table to the entrepreneurs!”

Underfunding of African American entrepreneurs has been a problem. Silicon Valley doesn’t house an abundant minority population. And to add insult to injury, many founders don’t know how to pitch their idea.

That’s where the Interactive Business Pitch Weekend is stepping in to help.

For two days entrepreneurs will learn the finer points of pitching. They will learn how to pitch media outlets their ideas, they will learn how to contact and woo investors, and they will also learn what it takes to present and sell their products on television.

Attendees of the weekend will be mentored and trained on the best way to position and pitch their products and services by the ‘best of the best.’ Rucker has teamed up with Tracey LaStell Slates, multi Emmy-award winning producer, and a mystery, on-air host and media coach to be named on January 1st, 2019.

The roster will also include Black Female Founder co-founder, Xina Eiland – a D.C. change maker and public relations expert – and Nichelle McCall, who single-handedly pitched for and won half a million dollars for her tech start up.

For the last four years Rucker has been hosting events for entrepreneurs in the Washington, D.C. area – building the sweat equity needed to bring the right people into the room. Says Rucker, “We’ve hosted over 260 attendees in our signature weekends. Attendees have gone on to generate wealth with speaking careers, by appearing on national television shows; they’ve created their own YouTube shows and are building highly marketable brands. With Tracey La’Stell Slates’ support and by forming a brain trust with the other experts, this pitch weekend is going to further move the economic needle for African American entrepreneurs.”

In addition to learning how to pitch, the attendees of the Interactive Business Pitch Weekend will have the chance to enter into the day two pitch competition. Two first place winners will be sent round trip to Florida where they will receive accommodations and a more intense training experience with Rucker and Slates, along with the mystery guest.

According to Rucker, “I went from being pregnant and sleeping on a couch to working with highly recognizable talent who can change lives with their ‘yes’ to a product or person. It started with pitching myself. This weekend is designed to get people to the place where they can develop the confidence in their pitching skills and confidence in presenting the value of the products to investors that will change their life the way I changed mine.”

The Interactive Business Pitch Weekend is proud to be sponsored by WPFW, 89.3 in Washington, DC; PictureTube Productions, and Smart Hustle Magazine.

If you are an entrepreneur who would like to get your product or service “at the table” and in the right room to be found and funded, you can find more information on the Interactive Business Pitch Weekend by visiting or by emailing

Interactive Business Pitch Weekend

11-Year Old Black Kid Trading on Stock Market Nominated For Black Enterprise Award

11-Year Old Black Kid Trading on Stock Market Nominated For Black Enterprise Award


A powerhouse in a pint-size package delivers THE TRUTH about trading stocks

11-year old day trader, Truth Jones

Barely standing 5 feet tall, 11-year old day trader, Christon “The Truth” Jones is on a mission to help 1,000 people become successful. And he does it one stock at a time. Yes! He’s a day trader on the U.S. Stock Market, and the CEO of Return On Investment, LLC.

At the age of 8, Truth faced off with his own bullies and penned his first book, The Win Within, to help other kids. He made $5,000 in 90 days by peddling his book door to door.

A bestselling author by the age of 10, Truth’s investor students of his Truth Success Series, an online mastermind course, include adults who want to soak up his wisdom. His success has garnered him both national and international attention.

For example, residing in Germany with his military mom, Truth is on his way to Charlotte, NC on June 8, 2018 to hopefully accept the Black Enterprise Teenpreneur of the Year Award. Plus, as a skillful keynote speaker, he has already addressed audiences on three different continents.

#TruthsTake on what inspired him
At nine years old, home-schooled Truth caught a story of a 14-year old investor who made $50,000 and he was instantly bitten by the investor-bug. His mom took an investing class; Truth soaked it all in; and a bonafide investor (whose mom still needs to make his actual trades for him) was born.

#TruthsTake on buying stock
“It’s much more fun to buy stuff when you know you own part of the company so I like to splurge on X-Box games and of course Amazon is my first choice when my mom has to order stuff.”

So what’s his secret to how he earned $10,000 in just a few short months of day trading?

#TruthsTake on discovering the T.R.U.T.H. about investing

T – Tap 20 companies that you really like. Be sure to choose companies in which you already buy their stuff.

R – Research these companies and find everything you can. Read AND watch the news.

U – Understand the company’s historical data. How has it been performing in the past? There could be key indicators to predict its future performance.

T – Trade AFTER closing. Day trading can be an emotional roller coaster. Sleep on it and trade the next day.

H – Have an entry & exit strategy. Know what your bottom line numbers are, to determine when you will buy the stock and when you have hit your profit number so you get out. And stick to it!

For more info about Truth, visit

For bookings, contact TeeJ@MediaMavericks.TV

The Ministry Entrepreneur Explosion Conference Is Coming to Dallas

The Ministry Entrepreneur Explosion Conference Is Coming to Dallas

**This is NOT a worship conference. This is for artists who want to use their music ministry gifts beyond their local church!**

The Incubator Creative Group presents the Ministry Entrepreneur Explosion Conference using Christian music as a tool of evangelism, encouragement and ministry beyond the conventional possibilities of Sunday church services. The Explosion is not another worship conference. It has a decided emphasis on the performance aspects of music verses the use of music in a worship setting. The Explosion also illuminates a perspective for making a music ministry work as a sustainable small business enterprise or self-supporting hobby.

You want information? We’ve got information, click here!

The Explosion is more than a conference. It is an experience. It includes not only the live event itself but also seven hours of pre-conference online training and interaction. This in-advance experience provides a unique vehicle to facilitate the development of a relationship between you as an artist and Incubator (the sponsor of the Explosion). The Explosion utilizes a proven system for growth deployed by Incubator over its 30-year history… Active Relational Training (ART). The result of ART is the establishment and deepening of a relationship between each artist and Incubator, which correspondingly creates a high level of energy and positive atmosphere among the registrants gathered for the live event. The Explosion may feel more like a family reunion than an educational event!

The Ministry Explosion will come to Dallas on Friday and Saturday July 27th and 28th. It’s a can’t miss weekend (Friday night and and all day Saturday) conference igniting Christian artists to take their music and message beyond Sundays! For more information and to start your conference track, today, click here!

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