NABJ President Sarah Glover is among the journalists participating in “The Power Shift Summit” today at the Newseum. Numerous NABJ members will also be in attendance including NABJ Founder Joe Davidson, Former President Vanessa Williams, Executive Director Sharon Toomer and Vox Editor in Chief Lauren Williams. Members of the media will discuss “Me Too,” sexual harassment and discrimination in the journalism industry. The summit seeks to present solutions. The livestream starts at 10 a.m. EDT. Watch here. Join the conversation on social media using #PowerShiftSummit.
NABJ takes a clear stand. Harassment and discrimination practices must end in the media. Discriminatory practices, racism, sexism, misogyny and objectification are all prevalent forces, even in arenas considered liberal. Harassment and discrimination are not just issues impacting white women. As a workplace environment, newsrooms are already challenging for women and journalists of color. When the environment is further poisoned by hostility, human degradation and bullying, the environment is all the more challenging.
“The recent exposure of sexual assault and harassment in the entertainment, media and journalism industry, has often left out the untold stories of black and brown women and other women of color whose careers are also disrupted or derailed because of hostile and unsafe environments not always driven by sexual offenses but also rooted in discrimination,” said President Glover. “NABJ is concerned about and advocates for diversity and inclusion, power sharing and power inclusion. Black women and women of color must be at the table as we move toward an inclusive power shift.”
The high-level gathering of invited leaders across journalism and the media industry that will focus on sexual misconduct in newsrooms and how to create meaningful and sustainable change.
Beginning at 10 a.m. ET, the summit features three major discussions that will engage participants in solutions-based conversation about what newsrooms and media organizations are doing now to deal with emerging cases, and what systemic changes are needed for the future. Journalists who reported stories about sexual misconduct will discuss the impact of their coverage during the summit.
The invitation-only summit will be organized as a series of discussions featuring respected conversation leaders from all media platforms. Jill Geisler, who is Loyola University Chicago’s Bill Plante Chair in Leadership and Media Integrity, will lead the conversations.
Participants include:
  • Amy Brittain, investigative reporter, The Washington Post
  • Carrie Budoff Brown, editor, POLITICO
  • Alfredo Carbajal, managing editor of Al Día at The Dallas Morning News and president, American Society of News Editors
  • Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews, SVP/News Administration, CBS News
  • Paul Farhi, media reporter, The Washington Post
  • Jill Geisler, Loyola University Chicago’s Bill Plante Chair in Leadership and Media Integrity
  • Sarah Glover, president, National Association of Black Journalists
  • Joanne Lipman, former editor in chief of USA TODAY and author of “That’s What She Said: What Men Need to Know (and Women Need to Tell Them) About Working Together”
  • Loren Mayor, chief operating officer, NPR
  • Elisa Lees Muñoz, executive director, International Women’s Media Foundation
  • Carolyn Ryan, assistant managing editor, The New York Times
  • Lara Setrakian, CEO of News Deeply and cofounder of Press Forward
  • Madhulika Sikka, Public Editor, PBS
  • Lauren Williams, editor in chief, Vox

National Association of Black Journalists