A Special Time For Teachers
Outpouring 120 Teachers Project
Experience the Outpour of Appreciation & Encouragement!
Pastor Sonjia Dickerson and the Outpouring Inc.Team will appreciate 120 DFW area teachers and give classroom supplies and special gifts in thanks for the role they play every day in the lives of our children. They will pray for teachers, the upcoming school year and students at the very beginning of the event taking place on August 1 at 2 PM at Dayspring Family Church.
Join Outpouring INC. for a special time of encouragement and empowerment for teachers and administrators. The 1st 120 teachers to register via Eventbrite will receive a teacher gift box (there will be contactless placement).
Register for the day of encouragement and appreciation, here.
Teachers, you are special and you are Front-line workers and we appreciate you. We know this is a challenging time and we support you. To show our appreciation we will be giving a special back to school care package to 120 teachers. Classroom supplies, masks, hand sanitizer, copy paper will be included in the boxes and much more. Sign up for this awesome gift box as well as the opportunity to be in a drawing for a gift card of $120 and a laptop. Plus there will drawings for other special prizes!
****Please note only 1 set per teacher will be given away and you must be present to receive the supply set****
For more information call 214-563-6568 or visit www.outpouringwomensconference.org