It’s Out Now! Read our Second Edition of The SMG Report

It’s Out Now! Read our Second Edition of The SMG Report

We survived snowmageddon. It was a regular winter storm but what we didn’t know is how unprepared our electricity grid was for it. Lights were out and to make matters worse, plumbing was affected and caused flooding to homes and businesses across the state of Texas. I wasn’t able to return to a full day of work until Wednesday of this week and I felt every piece of the delay. SoulProsper Radio couldn’t update shows, I couldn’t record the SMG Report which was supposed to be in video format and we were unsure if our power would remain on.

Once we were at a consistent point of power, I got to work. Because of our week, I was in no mood to record so I did what came natural. I started writing and after hours of editing, a lost edit (it completely disappeared) and a few hours of sleep, I’m pleased to present this edition of The SMG Report. Do I hope you like it? I just hope you read it! I’ve compiled many stories and included them in this edition exclusively. These stories would normally be on our website, but I’m putting them in this edition as I try out a new format and formula for what we do at SMG. Thanks for reading and as always, send your feedback to us at: I can’t wait to hear from you! —‘Fred

This month’s edition of The SMG Report features a cover story of ShaVonne Banks-Davis and features a portion of the interview exclusive with Bishop J. Drew Sheard. We would hate to keep you waiting, so dive in to this month’s edition and be sure to send your feedback to us at:

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The Ministry Entrepreneur Explosion Conference Is Coming to Dallas

The Ministry Entrepreneur Explosion Conference Is Coming to Dallas

**This is NOT a worship conference. This is for artists who want to use their music ministry gifts beyond their local church!**

The Incubator Creative Group presents the Ministry Entrepreneur Explosion Conference using Christian music as a tool of evangelism, encouragement and ministry beyond the conventional possibilities of Sunday church services. The Explosion is not another worship conference. It has a decided emphasis on the performance aspects of music verses the use of music in a worship setting. The Explosion also illuminates a perspective for making a music ministry work as a sustainable small business enterprise or self-supporting hobby.

You want information? We’ve got information, click here!

The Explosion is more than a conference. It is an experience. It includes not only the live event itself but also seven hours of pre-conference online training and interaction. This in-advance experience provides a unique vehicle to facilitate the development of a relationship between you as an artist and Incubator (the sponsor of the Explosion). The Explosion utilizes a proven system for growth deployed by Incubator over its 30-year history… Active Relational Training (ART). The result of ART is the establishment and deepening of a relationship between each artist and Incubator, which correspondingly creates a high level of energy and positive atmosphere among the registrants gathered for the live event. The Explosion may feel more like a family reunion than an educational event!

The Ministry Explosion will come to Dallas on Friday and Saturday July 27th and 28th. It’s a can’t miss weekend (Friday night and and all day Saturday) conference igniting Christian artists to take their music and message beyond Sundays! For more information and to start your conference track, today, click here!

Check out:


Happy New Year from SMG

Happy New Year from SMG

We want to take time to wish you all a very Happy New Year! We thank you all for your amazing support in 2017 and we can’t wait to experience an even better year in 2018.

Thanks for subscribing to Threaded, sharing our posts when you see them and listening to SoulProsper Radio.

Again, thank you for your incredible support. Last year wouldn’t have been the same without you!

The SMG Report